Thursday evenings
7:30pm – Fighting
8:30pm – Meeting
Woodland Mall – Anchor store on the east side: Look for heraldry
Directions (From the north or avoiding town traffic):
- Take I-75 to exit 187 (Haskins/Luckey/Bowling Green).
- Turn to head west on route 582 (turn right if coming from the north, turn left is coming from the south), in about a mile you’ll pass a State Highway Patrol station on the left.
- At the first stoplight, turn left onto route 25 and drive south to Bowling Green
- At the first stoplight (at the Bowling Green city limits) turn left
- Turn right into the mall entrance shortly after the Burger King
- At the entrance, go left into the parking lot by the east-most anchor store
- …and watch out for potholes and geese!
Directions (From the south):
- Take I-75 to exit 181 (Bowling Green/Pemberville)
- Follow the roundabout to head left into town (left into town and away from Meijer)
- Turn right on to Mercer road and head north to the dead-end stop sign at Poe road.
- Turn left on to Poe road and head west to the next stop light.
- Turn right on to N College drive and head north to the dead-end stop sign at E Newton road.
- Turn left, crossing the railroad tracks
- Shortly after the tracks, the Mall entrance will be on the left.
- …if you reach Burger King you’ve gone a bit too far but finding your way back should be possible at this point.
Directions can be found on Google Maps by searching for ‘Marche of the Marshes Meeting’. Make sure the address is: 1234 N Main St # 17, Bowling Green, OH 43402