Coronation – we officially got the bid. A walk though the site will be planned once event stewards hear back from Carey superintendent.
Nate – would like to order padding for loaner gear, $50. (vote passed at 9 of 11)
We will need site tokens for Coronation. Try to think of something appropriate for Their Highnesses who are 14th century Turkish / English / French (?) personas.
Baron Wars – need new leads for a site
Meeting Space – checking out W.W. Knight, Sleek Academy (are they up to code?), Henry County Fairgrounds Arena?
Chatelaine position is open.
Meeting Notes from November 7, 2019
Yule Feast – need people to teach classes, will be choosing youth A&S and rapier champions at the event.
Olivier – Wood County Parks building(s): in the middle of phone tag as the moment. Black Swamp Players just bought a house to work out of and may be willing to share space: looking into it.
Nate – Coronation Bid came in at about $4835 and is asking for co-hosting with the March since the Barony does not have that much in the bank account – especially since this is the only bid. (Unanimously approved) Contact Nate, Mary, or Deorsa for more details or to volunteer to help out.
Meeting Notes from May 16, 2019
Margherita – for Drust & Fen’s Keep: request use of new A&S pavilion for MK50Year and Pennsic. Vote: None opposed.
Social Media Officer – it’s a bit more than just being an admin of Facebook and is an independent office. If anyone is interested, please contact Margherita for information or to apply email [email protected] as this office reports to the group seneschal. Proposed vote for this position is June’s Meeting.
Deputy Webminister – if you would like to learn a bit of web development and help out the group, please email: [email protected]
Bronwyn is the Royalty Liason for Baron Wars. Please contact her to volunteer with retaining and general service for the Kingdom’s Royalty that will be attending.
New meeting site discussion: The building at Wood County Fairgrounds costs the fairgrounds $200/month which needs to be considered for our proposal.
Meeting Notes from Special Meeting April 4, 2019
Aislin – Sleek Academy has pretty much fallen though for a meeting site. The group needs to renew the search. Please, everyone get involved – more ideas mean better options for the group. Olivier brought up a meeting space at Pearl & Maple streets & is waiting for a call back. Uthan is looking into a building at the Wood County Fairgrounds.
Uthan – Bid for Baron Wars: overall cost 1950, activities more condensed toward the front (Poe rd.), need to be off site by midnight Saturday (no Sunday), discussion about horses decided against it, Friday night rapier party building will be the only time & place alcohol is allowed, Liberty Township will provide the food. Vote: no votes opposed – bid approved
Meeting Notes from February 7, 2019
Raffaele – about the new meeting site: the owner of Sleek Academy is still waiting on certificate of occupancy for the building
Aislin – is looking into Stone Hall at Otsego park in case the certificate of occupancy does not happen for longer than expected.
Uthan – contacting the United Methodist Church as a possible meeting site for either March or Baronial meetings
Baron Wars at the Wood County Fairgrounds: (Uthan, Aislin, & Gabriella) Equestrian arena and stables are reserved for us this year (they are only available every other year due to dedicated activities). We are currently set for the same buildings as last year. Alcohol on the fairgounds now requires a permit which is quite pricey and also has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy if we choose not to purchase the permit.
New Baron Wars site research – Ghost Town is off the table. “The Captain” suggested looking into Pleasant View Campground in Van Buren as a potential new event site.
“The Captain” – also addressed the possibility of hosting NORAD although there appears to be some confusion about his being approached about it. As this appears to be politically charged, he asked seneschals to help sort out the confusion. It was also suggested that NORAD could possibly be held in conjunction with Day of Ranged Weapons if it would be acceptable that there is no indoor facilities.
Notes from Special Meeting January 10, 2019
Aislin and Raffaele went to look at and talk to the folks at Sleek Academy (also known as All About the Kids) as a possible new weekly meeting site. The area that we would be using is about half the size of what we currently use, and half of the space has a very low ceiling. It is currently under renovation and will not be available for occupancy until mid-February (estimated). The price would be $75/month plus utility costs (yet to be determined) and demos for the kids (with plenty of lead time for demos). Rowland motioned to approve this as our new meeting site with several people seconding the motion. A vote of 19 for and 1 abstaining approved this as our new site.
March of the Marshes meetings will be on hiatus until the new site is available. Until then, practices will continue to be available Tuesdays from 7:00pm-10:00pm at Hróthgeirsfjörðr meetings at Park Church (1456 Harvard Blvd, Toledo, OH 43614).
Announcements from January Meeting (1-3-2019)
Liz (Gabrielle) – please contact her if you are interested in taking over as MoAS. This is needed as soon as possible. There are no classes scheduled for this year at the moment.
Phil (Raff) – The last meeting at the Veteran’s building will be 1/10/2019. He and Aislin will be looking at a place on 1/4/2019. If the place seems okay, the group will vote on it next week. (1/10/2019)
Drust – would like to use two of the group’s 5 gallon coolers for an event. Phil moved to approve, seconded by DeOrsa, and a unanimous vote to approve.
Alan – if no new site is available in the coming weeks, practices can happen Tuesday nights at the Fjord meetings. (7:30pm, Park Church – 1456 Harvard Blvd, Toledo, OH 43614)